Sun, 24 August 2014
Let’s say you’re hiring someone for the Office Manager position. What are some of the routine problems for this position? Gather together a list of at least three of these and then ask your applicant how she would solve them.
Direct download: Problems_and_Solutions_Interview.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 5:48pm EDT |
Thu, 17 October 2013
There are a multitude of different sales approaches and techniques. Some of them may be just right for your business, some may not. Some actually may inhibit sales if used in your business.
Direct download: Hiring_the_Salesperson_Part_Four.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 4:34pm EDT |
Sun, 13 October 2013
In this tip, we'll look at what has become a somewhat controversial subject in the sales world: prospecting.
Direct download: Hiring_the_Salesperson_Part_Three.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 4:26pm EDT |
Fri, 27 September 2013
In Part One we discussed how prepared the salesperson was for the interview with you.
In this part, we're going to take a different look at our salesperson's qualifications.
Direct download: Hiring_the_Salesperson_Part_Two.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 7:51am EDT |
Wed, 25 September 2013
The first thing you can do is find out how prepared your sales candidate is for his interview with you.
Direct download: Hiring_the_Salesperson_Part_One.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 2:52pm EDT |
Sat, 1 June 2013
Have you ever made a new hire of an exceptional talent who felt he had the right to make wholesale changes? And then did so.
Direct download: New_Hire_Wants_to_Change_Everything.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 6:18pm EDT |
Sat, 25 May 2013
With so many possible qualities to sift through in a candidate, how much importance should we give humility?
Direct download: How_Important_is_Humility.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 12:38pm EDT |
Sun, 19 May 2013
If hired, will this person you're interviewing improve the people around him? And what exactly does that mean? In what way would or should the people around him be improved? |
Wed, 15 May 2013
Let’s say you’ve got just the right people working for you. Every key position is filled with someone that you trust and competence abounds! Even the less key positions are filled. Now you can put all of your attention on the other areas of your business. If something comes up, if someone wants to move [...] |
Sun, 5 May 2013
Tue, 30 April 2013
Direct download: Attitude_Versus_Skills_Revisited.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 4:10pm EDT |
Thu, 25 April 2013
Do you need spiky people in your company? Could you use an outlier or two? Someone who is not necessarily going to toe the company line and do only what he is told to do?
Direct download: Does_Your_Company_Need_To_Be_a_Bit_Spiky.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 6:45pm EDT |
Sun, 7 April 2013
There is a certain ebb and flow to the hiring process. You are selling the business to the prospective employee and she is selling herself to you. If that equation gets too one-sided, and you are spending most of the time doing the selling, then two things can happen: |
Sun, 7 April 2013
Thu, 28 March 2013
Sat, 16 March 2013
There are essentially two sides to the hiring coin. Side One is the applicant who wants to impress the employer and land that job. Side Two is the employer who wants to impress the applicant and gain his agreement to come on board. Now these two sides may not both be operating at full steam [...] |
Sat, 16 March 2013
A game is played to win. In order to win, individual players blend their skills and their actions with other players. Teams made up of JUST individuals, even those highly talented, often fail against teams composed of people who work hard on working together. |
Sat, 16 March 2013
In an earlier hiring tip I mentioned a trip I made to my local Barnes and Nobles bookstore. While there, I looked over the books that were available for both employers and prospective employees. The number of books available on just the subject of résumés was staggering. And, for the most part, these were current [...] |
Sat, 16 March 2013
During the interview process, there are many questions you can ask. The Hiring Tips have provided a good number of these. Here’s another one you’ll find interesting: “Under what circumstances did you ignore or bend company policy?” Your applicant–we’ll call him Frank–may answer, “Oh, there were no circumstances where I did such a thing.” A [...] |
Sat, 16 March 2013
Sat, 16 March 2013
There are many types of employee tests available: -- Personality Tests -- Intelligence Tests -- Aptitude Tests
Direct download: Should_You_Use_Employee_Testing.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 3:13pm EDT |
Sat, 16 March 2013
In an earlier Hiring Tip, I mentioned being in a Barnes and Nobles bookstore. I was checking out the "hiring" section and I noticed there were 80-100 different books on this important subject.
Direct download: Interviewing_the_Well_Drilled_Applicant.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 3:04pm EDT |
Sun, 20 January 2013
Thu, 17 January 2013
We’ve all made mistakes. Some of us have made more than the next person. The focus of this tip is not on how many mistakes one applicant has made. The focus is on how did he deal with those moments in time. Let’s look at this as if there are two very different ends of [...]
Direct download: What_Has_Your_Applicant_Done_Wrong.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 3:53pm EDT |
Thu, 20 December 2012
What about the person you want to hire because you know they'll be great for your business? You know they’re a perfect fit, they'll get along great with your staff, and they'll have a direct and positive impact on your bottom line. But you just can't afford him.
Direct download: I_Love_This_Guy_But_Cant_Afford_Him.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 9:34pm EDT |
Fri, 7 December 2012
You're down to 2 candidates you really like. One has the right skills — the other a great attitude? Which one should you hire?
Direct download: Right_Attitude_or_Right_Skills.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 10:07pm EDT |
Mon, 26 November 2012
Thu, 8 November 2012
Before you require certain qualities in your new staff, make sure your management style is compatible with them.
Direct download: What_Kind_Of_Manager_Are_You.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 8:15pm EDT |
Tue, 30 October 2012
Is your applicant looking for a short term job while keeping their eye out for something better, or are they serious about staying with you for a good period of time? |
Mon, 22 October 2012
Should you consider hiring a veteran in the same way that you consider anyone else? Yes…and no. With everyone you hire, you should always put them through the same steps. You should interview them, carefully review their résumé, conduct employee testing, confirm earlier employment, and anything else you routinely do. But I have a personal [...]
Mon, 17 September 2012
The phone interview is a great tool to use in the hiring process. Here are another ten questions you can use.
Direct download: 10_More_Phone_Interview_Questions.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 1:08pm EDT |
Wed, 12 September 2012
The "Phone Interview" is a great tool to use in the hiring process. Here are ten questions you could ask.
Direct download: 10_Questions_for_the_Phone_Interviews.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 8:16pm EDT |
Tue, 21 August 2012
Direct download: How_Willing_Are_They_to_Learn.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 9:43pm EDT |
Fri, 8 June 2012
When people apply for a job, the amount of preparation they do ahead of time ranges from none whatsoever to an enormous amount of preparation. You might find it helpful to learn what someone does to prepare for that interview with you.
Wed, 18 January 2012
Most folks know that a great college education isn't by itself an overpowering reason to hire someone. But sometimes we get a bit swept away by this part of an applicant's resume. A great education can certainly be a plus, but don't let it cloud your judgment. Focus on hiring people that are going to positive contributors in your workplace.
Direct download: Impeccable_College_Credentials.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 10:05pm EDT |
Wed, 18 January 2012
Sometimes employees have to deal with a particular type of conflict that can come up in the workplace: The customer believes he is entitled to something but company policy does not permit it.
Direct download: How_Did_They_Handle_Conflicts.mp3
Category:Employee Evaluation -- posted at: 12:20am EDT |